
SSC Short Syllabus 2026 PDF | All Subject SSC Syllabus NCTB

SSC Short Syllabus 2026 PDF Download | All Subject SSC Syllabus NCTB

SSC Short Syllabus 2026 PDF Download | All Subject SSC Syllabus By NCTB. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, are you a SSC candidate for the 2026 academic year? If your answer is yes. And if you are looking for the newly released SSC Exam Short Syllabus 2026. Then I will say that you have actually come to the right place. Why not, here is a short syllabus of the SSC examination to be held in 2026. Where you will get SSC short syllabus in group format with all subjects and PDF in picture format.

SSC Short Syllabus 2026

A short syllabus for next year’s (2026) SSC examination has been published. According to this syllabus, SSC examination will be held after 150 days of teaching. Earlier on Wednesday, in a virtual press conference, the Minister of Education announced the publication of a short syllabus for the 2026 SSC candidates. Dipu Moni. After that the Dhaka Board published the syllabus. The Education Minister said that a short syllabus has also been prepared for the 2026 SSC candidates. The syllabus is designed to be completed in 150 days for SSC candidates.

NCTB SSC short Syllabus 2025 pdf download

Reorganized short syllabus for SSC and equivalent examinations for 2025 has been published. The National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) sends the prescribed syllabus to the education boards. Other education boards in the country, including the Dhaka Board of Education, send it to the heads of institutions. The syllabus has also been published on the websites of NCTB and Boards of Education.

Dhakaeducationboard gov bd ssc short syllabus 2026

Dhaka Education Board’s Controller of Examinations Professor SM Amirul Islam signed two directives on Saturday (January 4th) stating that the restructured syllabus for the 2026 SSC examinations sent by the NCTB was sent. In view of the rearranged curriculum, the concerned were directed to take necessary action. The directive further said that after the decision to open the primary, secondary and higher secondary level educational institutions from June 13, the syllabus was published and sent to the educational institution. It may be mentioned that the short syllabus of A SSC examination was published on the website ( of Dhaka Board on Saturday (January 4th, 2025).

HSC Short Syllabus 2026

Short syllabus of SSC examination has been published. But the examinees do not get clear picture of the syllabus for a long time. Due to which the original texts of the syllabus cannot be seen or understood well due to being vague pictures. This is because of the variety of problems to wear. Such as omitting the wrong chapter and because of that the syllabus cannot be covered at the right time. So keeping their words in mind, we have published a clear picture of the short syllabus of SSC exam here.

(সকল বিষয় ও গ্রুপের এখানে দেওয়া আছে)

২০২৬ সালের এসএসসি পরীক্ষার পুনর্বিন্যাসকৃত পাঠ্যসূচি / সংক্ষিপ্ত সিলেবাস।

All Basic Subject SSC short Syllabus

There are 27 subjects in SSC examination. So share a short syllabus of so many subjects, if you divide it, you can’t find all the subjects at once. Then you have to wear it for fear of getting lost. But to solve that problem we are giving SSC short syllabus of all subjects at the same time.

Bangla 1st Paper
Bangla 2nd Paper
English 1st Paper
English 2nd Paper
Islam and Moral Education
Hindu Religion and Moral Education
Christro Religion and Moral Education
Buddhist Religion and Moral Education
Arts & Crafts
Bangladesh and Global Studies
Career Education
Physical Education

SSC Short Syllabus 2026 for all Group

There are 3 groups in SSC and equivalent level. Namely art or humanities, science and commercial. It is very difficult to get the short syllabus of SSC examination of the three groups at the same time. And even if it is found, it is still in danger. Cause; At the same time it is difficult for the examinees to find the required short syllabus from the syllabus of so many subjects. So we divided this part of our post according to the group and gave SSC short syllabus.

মাধ্যমিক ও উচ্চ শিক্ষা অধিদপ্তর নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার সময়সূচী ২০২৫

Humanities (Arts) SSC short Syllabus 2026

The simplest group out of 3 groups at SSC level is called Human. Where there are 4 subjects in total. Note that there is only one lesson in each subject, i.e. there is no 2nd letter in those subjects. The short syllabus of SSC Humanities Group is given below.

Geography & Environment

Science SSC short Syllabus 2026

Science is the name of the most advanced of the present age. SSC and equivalent level science groups have been included to further accelerate the science. The group is as thrilling as it is difficult. Science group has 3 subjects. Whose short syllabus is given.


Business Studies (Commerce) SSC short Syllabus 2026

Commercial groups have been added to SSC considering the business aspect which was not there before the 2015-16 academic year. The number of subjects in this group is also equal to that of science group, i.e. 3. See the short syllabus of the SSC exam commercial group here.

Business Ent.
Finance and Banking
Practical Subject SSC Short Syllabus

There are 3 subjects in SSC and equivalent examinations for practical, the short syllabus of which is given

Higher Math
Home Science

Final words:

After a lot of hard work and data collection, we have published main info. And at the same time I hope that the examinees also did not have any problem in viewing and downloading the syllabus. It is to be noted that after the identification of corona patients in the country last year, the educational institutions have been closed since March 16 of that year. Educational institutions will be closed till June 12. However, after the reopening of the educational institution, classes will be taken for the SSC candidates of the 2026 academic year in the light of the short syllabus.


Easyresultbd is a passionate writer focusing on Bangladesh's education sector, offering insights, updates, and guidance for students and educators.

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