SSC ICT Question Solution 2024 [All Edu Boards]

SSC ICT Exam Question Answers 2024 [সঠিক উত্তর দেখুন এখান থেকে]

SSC ICT Question Solution 2024 All Edu Boards> Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Hope everyone is well, wishing everyone good health and long life, I am going to start a new question solving article. Welcome to the article. Today we will discuss with you about SSC 2024 Information Communication Technology Exam Question Solution. Today i.e. 10th May, Information and Communication Technology subject exam was held. The exam was held out of 100 marks where 70 marks creative and 30 marks impersonal i.e. MCQ format questions were given. At the end of the exam we have collected the question papers of each board and tried to present the answers to the questions accurately in our article. Those of you who are students of information and communication technology exam can download our question solution from here in the form of PDF file. Stay tuned with our article A to Z to see your desired exam question solution.

SSC ICT Exam Question Answers 2024

The subject of Information and Communication Technology is abbreviated as ICT. And this ICT exam is held today i.e. 10th May every Wednesday at 10-00 am. The exam was held for 3 hours out of 100 marks and ended at 1-00 pm. As many as 16 lakh 73 thousand 777 students appeared in the examination simultaneously under all the boards being resident in Information and Communication Technology. Where the number of students was 7 lakh 80 thousand 920 people. And the number of female students was 8 lakh 50 thousand 177. With this, today’s exam was held in information and communication technology in 3 thousand 810 centers across the country. Candidates do a lot of searching online to solve the questions after the exam. And that’s why I have appeared in the episode with SSC 2024 ICT exam questions and answers. You can check it from here.

আরও দেখুন;-

এসএসসি  তথ্য যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তি নৈবিত্তিক প্রশ্নের উত্তর ২০২৩ [সকল বোর্ড ক খ গ ঘ সেট]

 SSC ICT Exam Question Solution 2023 [All Boards]

ঢাকা বোর্ড আইসিটি পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান

 রাজশাহী বোর্ড আইসিটি পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান

চট্টগ্রাম বোর্ড আইসিটি পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান

 সিলেট বোর্ড আইসিটি পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান

 বরিশাল বোর্ডের আইসিটি পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান

 যশোর বোর্ড আইসিটি পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান

 কুমিল্লা বোর্ড আইসিটি পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান

 দিনাজপুর বোর্ড আইসিটি পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান

ময়মনসিংহর আইসিটি পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান

SSC ICT Exam MCQ Part Question Solution 2024

what are you A candidate for SSC 2024 ICT exam? Are you looking for ICT subject exam question solutions to be held today? If you are a student of ICT i.e. Information and Communication Technology then you must be searching for question solutions now? If yes then you have come to the right place. Today’s ICT exam is conducted in short syllabus format out of 100 marks. Where question papers were given in 2 categories, one was creative, there were 70 questions and 2 hours and 30 minutes were given to answer them. And in the second part MCQ i.e. question papers were provided for moral questions. Where 30 MCQ size question papers were given with each question carrying 1 mark and 30 minutes time allotted to answer these questions. And at the end of the exam the candidates are looking for the solution of the MCQ format section because when they see the solution of the MCQ questions they will know how many questions they have answered correctly or how the exam went. And to inform you about these issues, we have made a proper effort to publish the ICT exam question solutions through our website. If you want, collect them from here.

SSC ICT Exam Question Answers 2024 ক,খ,গ,ঘ Set

SSC 2024 is good news for all ICT subject exam students. Because we have appeared in this episode with the questions and answers of the 2024 SSC ICT exam set ক খ গ ঘ . As the question papers of each board are prepared separately, a separate set of questions is prepared for individual questions. And you are aware that to answer a personal question there are 4 options prepared in such a way that the set is prepared. And the reason for setting this ক খ গ ঘ is that even if the couples want to, they cannot answer the impersonal questions by looking at each other and there is a little difficulty. For which we have collected the question solutions of all the boards at the end of the exam and have given correct answers to each question one by one. You can match each set with the answer of the questions set by set.

chotro gram brod

comilla broad


SSC ICT Exam Question Solution 2024 All Boards including Dhaka

Information and Communication Technology subject to become compulsory for all. General nine polls Dhaka Rajshahi Chittagong Sylhet Barisal Dinajpur Comilla Jessore and Mymensingh Milli under nine education boards simultaneously held SSC ICT subject exam from 10 am to 1 pm. 16 lakh 77 thousand 920 students participated in today’s ICT exam in this Nadi board match. And 3 thousand 810 educational institutes held the exam. Simultaneously the exam was held under the Dhaka Board and under that vote nearly five lakh students participated in the exam. You know that different question papers are given under each board. That’s why when students search online to solve the question after the exam, they see the answer of the question but they don’t understand which one and which place and have to suffer a lot of harassment. For which we have collected the question papers of each board separately and published them through our website and if you don’t want to download the question papers of each board and its solution from here.

rajshahi broad

SSC ICT Exam 100% Correct Answer PDF 2024

A candidate comes home from the exam and stands as his work. What kind of test did I take today? I got the correct answers to some questions. I’m waiting to see if I can pass the questions. That’s why now students are leaving google to check the board solution from online by students of every board. The ICT exam held today consisted of 30 marks of casual questions and 70 marks of creative questions. At the end of the exam find the solution of the personal questions because if they see the answers to the personal questions they will know how many questions are answered correctly. Because if the examination of the subject is good, the result of this subject is very likely to be good. If you can answer at least 25 to 27 subjects correctly, you can expect A plus in this subject. And to know these things, questions and answers are needed. And for your convenience we have presented 100% correct and accurate solutions on our website with the help of various sites including various note books Tex Bhai and information communication technology core books by our experienced teachers. If you want, download it as a PDF file from here.

dinajpor broad

momonsing broad


Finally we have tried to present our solution 100% correct and accurate for all students of SSC 2024. I don’t know how much I did. I think you must have benefited from seeing the solution. And thinking about the benefit, I have come to 2024 to get the solution of all the questions, login to our website and share more and more among your friends. All of you will be fine, I am ending here today as Allah Hafez.

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